Czy w produkcji filmowej, gdzie aż roi się od specjalistów różnej maści, jest jeszcze zapotrzebowanie na nową profesję? Jak przekonuje Sławomir Idziak zawód operatora filmowego dewaluuje się na skutek rozwoju technologii. Środowisko wirtualne, CGI, czy graficy odgrywają coraz większą rolę spychając operatora zdjęć na boczny tor. Być może nad wszystkimi wizualnymi aspektami produkcji, włączając w to scenografię, powinna czuwać jedna osoba - Visual Director?
Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć w dokumencie "Jak robić filmy taniej i lepiej" a poniżej zamieszczamy wstępny zakres obowiązków takiej osoby:
• W małych filmach visual director będzie odpowiedzialny zarówno za zdjęcia jak i scenografię.
Czyli będzie odpowiedzialny za stronę wizualną filmu od samego początku do końca procesu
o Zdefiniowanie uzgodnionego z reżyserem stylu filmu
o Wykonanie czy nadzorowanie zdjęć do Previs (nie jest to zawsze konieczne)
o Wybór materiałów ikonograficznych (zdjęć, videoclipów) jako referencji wizualnych
przyszłego filmu
o Nadzorowanie lub autorstwo storyboardów, animatików (Jeżeli potrzebne?)
o Realizacja wizualnych prób (testów) przyszłego obrazu (łącznie z manipulacjami
komputerowoe graficznymi)
o Przygotowanie projektów scenograficznych, względnie wybór obiektów zdjęciowych
Oświetlenie w filmie i decyzja, jaka część tej pracy zostanie wykonana w
o Praca z kamerą (szwenkowanie)
o Prace postprodukcyjne (korekcja barwna czy inne manipulacje z obrazem)
o Nadzór nad efektami CGI
Pomysł jest bardzo bliski realizacji - już teraz w Los Angeles Yuri Neyman, ASC i Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC uruchomili specjalne kursy. Poniżej informacje od założycieli:
In its advanced program of “Expanded Cinematography” the GCI is bringing together premier talent from a multidisciplinary group of experts.
HOLLYWOOD, CA. May 28, 2013—
Founded by Directors of Photography Yuri Neyman, ASC and Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC, the “Expanded Cinematography” classes include Advanced Lighting for Feature Films, Foundations of Lighting & Composition for Cinema, Virtual Lighting & Virtual Cinematography, Lighting Craft & Technology, Cinematography for Videogames, Pre-visualization, Digital Cinematography & Optics, Image Management, History of Cinematography & Photography, Career Management, Cinematography for Independent Films and more.
Vilmos and Yuri recognize “the goals are to lead and empower visual thinkers for the advancement of the aesthetic arts and sciences.” The Global Cinematography Institute (GCI) an educational research and development entity is focused on analyzing, preserving and predicting the roles of imagery.
With the ever-advancing creative and technological approaches to narrative and visual storytelling, the GCI is developing new methods for educating current and future professionals in the fields of imagery. The global, social, and cultural paradigm demands innovative courses and curriculum to meet the ever changing needs of the industries its serves.
“Expanded Cinematography” describes and explains the fundamental changes that have occurred, and will continue to occur. It forecasts changes in all visual facets of the entertainment industry. In addition, GCI is building connections to non-filmmaking avenues through “Expanded Cinematography,” to gaming, web, and television media, as well as to traditional movie making business activities -- it is both art and craft.
Due to the increasing role of SFX/VFX and Virtual Production the role of the “traditional” cinematographer is changing. Therefore, GCI is training its students in the new profession – “Director of Images” (D.O.I.) which combines skills and experiences of traditional cinematography, FX and Virtual Production.
In support of ALL visual content creators, the D.O.I. would be the primary force in the capture, creation, distribution and displaying of images.
In a connected, always online universe, we are implementing real world best practices. Our approach is global - in a digital world - with “convergence” as well as “divergence” taking place in all sectors we are developing new collaborations.
We look forward to continuing this dialogue with all of the passionate and creative individuals, institutions, and companies who care about the advancement of our crafts.On Saturday, June 1st at 4:00 PM in the Sherry Lansing Theater, GCI will present the new profession:
For information about the Global Cinematography Institute go to ( and to the facebook page of Global Cinematography Institute.
What is the Global Cinematography Institute?Welcome to the GCI Newsletter. We are a school designed to teach new techniques and technology that are becoming commonplace as the profession evolves. Our focus is on providing instruction in emerging fields such as "Virtual Cinematography", "Digital Lighting", "Cinematography in Video Games" and "Previsualization" just to name a few of our subjects of study. As cinematography and camera departments continue to evolve, our aim to keep our students at the cutting edge and provide them with a rare and highly marketable skill -- knowledge!
The Global Cinematography Institute (GCI) is devoted to education of cinematographers and their extension into the digital and virtual realms. Along with teaching students “Traditional Cinematography”, GCI also provides classes such as “Virtual Cinematography”, “Previsualization”, “Digital Lighting”, and “Image Management”. The goal of the course is to take students to the next level and put them in position for meaningful careers in cinematography.Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC and Yuri Neyman, ASCCo-Founders of Global Cinematography Institute
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